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After 6 years using octopress, I’ve finally admitted it is dead. I decided to switch to plain jekyll which I should have done a long time ago. My only requirement was to change the URL format on the off chance anyone has ever linked to my blog. I also wanted an extremely simple theme that didn’t have tons of css I didn’t understand or need. I picked one called Beautiful Jekyll

Beautiful Jekyll is a ready-to-use template to help you create an awesome website quickly. Perfect for personal sites, blogs, or simple project websites. Check out a demo of what you’ll get after just two minutes. You can also look at his personal website to see it in use.

The process was very simple.

To deploy I decided to set up Amazon Amplify which was also super easy. I pointed it to my public github repo and it recognized it as a jekyll site and configured Amplify to generate and deploy after every commit. Then I had Amplify take over the domain name from the s3 bucket that was configured before and everything was done.